Promis.e Help

Regional Settings

The Regional Settings page allows you to sets the date, time, and currency value formats.

Currency Tab

Decimal Places Select the number of decimal places currency values will display.
Negative Numbers Select whether or not negative currency values will be marked with a minus sign (-).

Date/Time Tab

Date Type Select a Date format which will be used in the title block.
Time Type Select a Time format to be displayed on the title block
Note: Changes to the date and time format settings are reflected in the title blocks of newly created pages (not existing pages).

Language Display Tab

The Language Display tab allows you to set the language text languages will be displayed on the drawing and how multiple part numbers are displayed. Certain descriptive text strings in a drawing can be displayed in up to three different languages simultaneously.

In the Language fields, the user selects which languages will be used. By selecting the down arrow button the following list of languages can be selected from: English, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian.